
The Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing of Artificial Skin

Source:Labthink  Viewer:1689   Issuing Date:2010-11-17
Abstract:The Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing of Artificial Skin
Keywords: The Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing of Artificial Skin

1. Instrument
W3/030 Water Vapor Transmission Rate Tester
2. Specimen


Artificial skin is developed with the principle and methods of engineering and cell biology, and is the substitute for human skin to repair and replaced the damaged human skin. Skin can prevent the invasion of harmful substances and losses of moisture, electrolyte and other substances from human bodies. Therefore, water vapor transmission rate testing for artificial skin is an necessity to evaluate its performance.
3. Testing Instruction
The specimen would be smooth and soft in the liquid, and would become twinkled and hardened without water. When testing, take the specimen out from the liquid. Keep the specimen flat. Cool it until a bit dry and prepare the specimen.
4. Testing Procedure
4.1 Testing Environment
Place: Labthink Permeability Lab
Temperature: 38℃
Relative Humidity: 90%RH
4.2 Testing Procedure
4.2.1 Specimen Preparation
Procedure for Preparation of No.1 Specimen
Pour out the liquid inside the package and take out the specimen. Cool to a bit dry and then cut (Fig. 3). Since the specimen is quite soft, place the frame inside the water vapor transmission cup before placing the specimen (Fig. 4). Then, clamp the specimen (Fig. 5). 


Procedure for Preparation of No.2 Specimen
The size of No.2 specimen is quite small and Mask should be applied for testing (Fig 6). Place No.2 Specimen in between two Masks (Fig 7), and clamp into the water vapor transmission cup (Fig 8).


4.2.2 Testing
Place the clamped cup onto the frame of the instrument and set the testing parameters. Then, start testing. The test will end automatically, and the result will be displayed in the software.
4.3 Testing Results:


Testing Item and Unit

Testing Results

No.1 Artificial Skin




No. 2 Artificial Skin


Note: the transmission area of No.1 specimen is 33 cm2, and NO.2 is 4.9cm2.

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